9 research outputs found

    Computing Multivariate Process Capability Indices With Microsoft Excel

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    In manufacturing industry there is growing interest in measures of process capability under multivariate setting. While there are many statistical packages to assess univariate capability, a current problem with the multivariate measures of capability is the shortage of user friendly software. In this paper a Visual Basic program has been developed to realize an Excel spreadsheet that may be used to compute two multivariate measures of capability. Our aim is to provide a useful tool for practitioners dealing with multivariate capability assessment problems. The features of the program include easy data entry and clear report formatMultivariate Process capability indices, statistical quality control, Visual Basic, Excel Indici di capacitĂ  multivariati, Controllo statistico della qualitĂ 

    Computing Multivariate Process Capability Indices (Excel)

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    In manufacturing industry there is growing interest in measures of process capability under multivariate setting. Although there are many statistical packages to assess univariate capability, a current problem with the multivariate measures of capability is the shortage of user friendly software. In this article a Visual Basic program has been developed to realize an Excel spreadsheet that may be used to compute two multivariate measures of capability. The aim of this article is to provide a useful tool for practitioners dealing with multivariate capability assessment problems. The features of the program include easy data entry and clear report format

    Computing Multivariate Process Capability Indices With Microsoft Excel

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    In manufacturing industry there is growing interest in measures of process capability under multivariate setting. While there are many statistical packages to assess univariate capability, a current problem with the multivariate measures of capability is the shortage of user friendly software. In this paper a Visual Basic program has been developed to realize an Excel spreadsheet that may be used to compute two multivariate measures of capability. Our aim is to provide a useful tool for practitioners dealing with multivariate capability assessment problems. The features of the program include easy data entry and clear report format

    La paratiroidectomia radioguidata

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    Gli Autori, dopo un’attenta analisi della letteratura scientifica sulle metodiche di diagnostica strumentale (con particolare attenzione a quelle medico-nucleari) e di terapia chirurgica delle patologie paratiroidee, riferiscono la loro esperienza sull’impiego della chirurgia mininvasiva radioguidata con MIBI e gamma-probe per l’individuazione intraoperatoria delle ghiandole patologiche. Dopo aver presentato la loro casistica, gli Autori concludono affermando che tale metodica è rapida, poco invasiva, poco costosa e sicuramente utile nell’individuare ghiandole patologiche o ectopiche. Essa può essere universalmente impiegata in quanto, a fronte di numerosi vantaggi, quali riduzione dei tempi operatori e di degenza, maggiore radicalità, utilizzo di tecniche mininvasive, non presenta significative limitazioni tecniche e/o problemi di natura radio-protezionistica

    Quality control in sonography: Possibility of defining acceptability criteria

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    Recently, several authors and institutions proposed quality control procedures for 2-D B-mode sonographic image analysis. The aim of this study was to assess if it is possible to de\ufb01ne a range of acceptability of the di\ufb00erent parameters measured. Phantoms for 2-D B-mode acquisitions were employed with 11 of the same model high-level ultrasound scanners. Uniformity, axial and lateral resolution, axial distance accuracy, geometric distortion, image contrast, dead zone and penetration depth were measured. All images were acquired by experienced operators and saved by frame grabbing the analog video output signal. A small subset of images was also saved directly in dicom 3.0 format on a magneto optical disk. Images were analysed with in-house developed software. Quality control test results for 2-D B-mode images were demonstrated to be related to the probe employed. We also found that the results were not dependant on the operator and type of imaging capture method used. By selecting data from the same type of scanner and dividing probes into two groups (convex medium-low frequency and linear medium-high frequency) it is possible to \ufb01nd a reasonably narrow range of variability for almost all of the parameters studied. Mean values of the di\ufb00erent parameters measured, 95% con\ufb01dence limits and proposed intervals of acceptability are presented. Therefore, it is possible to establish range of acceptability for the results of a quality control test of an ultrasound scanner operated in 2-D B-mode given the type of scanner and the type of probe. This is particularly useful both for quality assurance and maintenance programmes